"Everything happens for a reason" is something I have always believed, and continue to believe. Even when it seems that things are not going right, it always winds up that it all happened for a reason. Interestingly enough I recently learned that my brother and sister both live by these words as well. Not sure if it's something our mom used to say to us or not. Maybe we are all just smart enough to realize that it's true!
Friday I got my Transitions assignment. I had been crossing my fingers and toes for Maternity, but put the decision in God's hands knowing that he would be sure I wound up wherever it was He needed me to be. So I did not get Maternity, instead I got my second choice which is an emergency/critical care rotation, which is something I have always said I wanted to try. After the initial disappointment, I came to realize that this too happened for a reason. . .
The interesting part is that right after I found out my assignment, I accompanied a patient to a procedure. Now docs love to have music playing in the procedure rooms -- and this day was no different. The interesting part is that the song that was playing when I walked into the room was "You Can't Always Get What You Want" by The Rolling Stones. My favorite line in that song, and the one that was so appropriate for me on that day was "If you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need." I am pretty sure that the emergency/critical care rotation is what I need. My long term goal is still Maternity, but the knowledge I will gain in that critical care setting will be invaluable later on in my career. I am excited and I hope that it is an enriching experience.
It's hard to believe there is just over a month left in the semester! Crazy! I am getting ready to register for my Community & Public Health Nursing class for the fall. Looks like the fall is going to be a crazy ride, but the good news is that once it ends I will be DONE!!!! In researching this class I came to realize that the Thursday clinical (the one I want) is tied to the M/W 9:30-10:50 lecture. The college ties certain lectures to certain clinicals to prevent overload on any one clinical day. The other lecture offered is Wed. evening from 4-6:50 which would interfere with my rehearsals with the band. The band is something I have hung onto throughout nursing school and it is important to me, so I am glad that my Critical Care Transitions Clinical falls on a Friday and allows me to do this Thursday clinical so that I can have the M/W morning lectures. Bad news is I will be separated from my best nursing bud, Karen, because she got Maternity with a Thursday clinical assignment. So, see, the Maternity would not have worked out with my schedule and that is another reason that it was not in the cards right now. It certainly doesn't mean I am giving up on that dream -- it is still where I want to be, but for now I will keep gaining clinical skills in the critical care setting which will make me a better nurse in the long run. I am happy.
So that is about the size of it right now. The semester is quickly screeching to a close -- the month of April will be spent prepping for ATI. The dreaded ATI.
My words of wisdom for this week come from The Rolling Stones, "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need." In nursing school, and in life, this is the solid truth. Always trust that God knows the plans and He'll guide you along the right path.
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